
FSC Seminar (fall)

WPE information

Who needs the WPE?

Some students don’t realize that they will need papers for the WPE until after they have completed my class and can no longer access the blackboard content for it, so please be aware of the protocol for this paperwork before you leave CS187/188.

What are the options for taking the WPE?

You can take a timed exam, or a take home exam. While the timed exam does not require extra papers, the take home exam requires a writing portfolio to be submitted.

You can use the midterm paper from CS 188 for your WPE portfolio. If you plan to do this, keep in mind the following points:

  • The Writing Proficiency department requires that papers in the WPE portfolio be GRADED. This means that if you think there is even a small chance that you will need to do the WPE, you should print the rubric and grading comments that you receive for the papers you might include.
  • The WPE deadlines do not line up with my class deadlines. If you wish to use a final paper for the WPE, you may need to submit it BEFORE the class deadline so I will have time to grade it before you use it for the WPE. These deadlines are different every year, it’s your responsibility to meet them and inform me of your needs in a timely fashion.

Once you are ready to use a paper from my course for the WPE portfolio, please do the following:
1. Print a copy of the paper and the grade you were assigned (via rubric/feedback/blackboard comments, etc.).
2. Get the Certification form for the WPE Portfolio from the writing center (Campus Center, 1313). They are also available online. Exact form is currently located here.
3. Fill out the entire top portion of the form, ending with your signature.
4. Email me to confirm a time for you to bring the printed paper, grade feedback, and certification form to my office (S-3-130) during office hours, where I can fill out the rest of the form.

What if you’re a former student who doesn’t have your graded paper?
The syllabus directs you to notify me of WPE plans in the first few weeks of school. It is a tedious, time-consuming process for me to check course archives and locate old papers and grades. Requests that do not acknowledge the extra effort associated with this type of file recovery may not be granted. If I do this for you, your initial email should also include mention of the semester in which you took the class (i.e., “Spring 2017”).

As of Oct 15, 2019, I will no longer look up old papers in archives to find your grade for you. If you have not kept documentation of your own papers and grades, I will not sign your form. You will need to find another paper or class to fill the requirements. 

What if you’re a former student who doesn’t have your graded paper?
The syllabus directs you to notify me of WPE plans in the first few weeks of school. It is a tedious process for me to check course archives and locate old papers. Sometimes I can find it for you, but this requires an on-campus meeting, which means you need to plan to meet me during the semester.

Remember that the professor can deny any requests to use papers for the WPE requirement. I usually only deny students when they plan very poorly and everything is rushed at the last minute.

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