
FSC Seminar (fall)

Will I be a reference for you?

If you meet the requirements below, I’m happy to be listed as a reference for you as you apply for internships, programs, and jobs. However, a sloppy request for such references will discourage me from associating myself with you in that regard. Here is a template you may want to consider using with me or any other professor. Be sure to actually attach what you say you’re attaching, and DO NOT COPY IT WORD FOR WORD. It’s an example!

I’m comfortable writing recommendations for students who(m)…

  • I have known for at least 2 months.
  • Have perfect attendance, or 2 or less excused and hw-complete absences.
  • Have an overall class average of 90 or above.
  • Have been attentive in class and engaged in discussions.

Keep in mind that since 187 is not a technical class, I will not be able to vouch for your technical ability in recommendations.

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