Information Timeline

In this age and time, when an event or a story breaks, one need not wait for the evening news or the morning newspapers to follow what is happening. Social media tools such as “Twitter”, “Tumblr ” has made it possible for people to report first hand if they are part of the event or even follow the latest news about the event on news media twitter page or Tumblr page. In 201, this is how the information timeline was before the complete takeover by social media in the mid 2000’s.

Information Timeline in 2011

Okay 9/11 was a little while ago, but compare how we were able to follow the news of the missing Air France 447 in 2009, with how we are following the recent news of the missing Malaysian airline MH370 in 2014. On Twitter, and on Facebook. It would also be interesting to see how News media such as the National Public Radio (NPR) or the cable TV such as CNN and MSNBC, and even Newspapers  are trying to cover the story as well as use social media to keep the conversation going.

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