The Art of Archives

UMass Boston || English 600 || Spring 2015 || Prof. Erin Anderson

Tag: archives

Farm Animal Rights Social Media Archive


The history of the animal rights movement has interested me for some time, but I have so far focused on animals research and the anti-vivisection movement from the 1800’s through today. I wanted to explore a different side of the animal rights movement, and so decided to collect images related to farm animal rights and factory farming. I find animal rights/welfare organizations’ use of social media platforms an interesting use of our society’s available technology and methods of communication. This “Farm Animal Rights Social Media” collection consists of photos, primarily “memes,” shared on the social media accounts by various animal rights and animal welfare organizations. These materials are taken from the Facebook, Twitter, Instagram accounts and blogs of organizations including Mercy for Animals, Vegan Outreach, Vegan Publishers, Evolve! Campaigns, as well as others. Wherever possible, links to the original content and social media account information have been linked in the description.

Though the animal rights and welfare organizations share materials on a variety of animal rights issues on their social media accounts, the images selected for this collection are focused solely on farm animal rights and factory farms. Some of the images address the concepts of “speciesism” and “anthropocentrism,” exploring why certain animals have been deemed food by humans while others have not. The memes include messages that attempt to convey the current condition of concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs), or factory farms. Many of the images contain information that reveal the reality of conditions animals are kept in on meat and dairy farms, and include photographs of the animals in these conditions. Issues related to CAFOs are addressed in the text of some of the images, in the hope that this method of sharing information will effectively reach the general public and educate them about this subject. Some of the memes are humorous, while others certainly are not. This demonstrates how animal rights organizations seek to play off of the different emotional responses of the public in these images.

This collection serves as a sample of the types of visual materials shared by animal rights organizations on social media outlets. Social media in its various forms has become an important mode of communication, and it is important to document how different social groups communicate to the public using these platforms. The content of the images can also tell a lot about the current condition of our society and how people communicate. Furthermore, this particular collection can reveal how humans view farmed animals and their status in our anthropocentric society. The content of the images provides a sample of the types of issues deemed most important to the animal rights movement today (farm animal rights.welfare). This archive would permit potential researchers to understand how organizations use social media platforms to advocate for their goals. The messages and quotes also reflect various public attitudes humans have toward farmed animals, and how these attitudes are (or are not) changing and evolving.


Blog Post #4: Personal and Everyday Archives

Take up this week’s readings and apply them to (1) a contemporary cultural practice of personal or everyday archiving OR (2) a particular platform or forum that enables and encourages this kind of practice on a larger scale OR (3) a current event or debate that extends the conversation around this topic OR (4) whatever else gets you going…

Alternately, if you feel inspired: Try a week of “life logging” in some form (see Thompson) and use the readings to think through the experience and the implications.


Blog Post #3: Archive as Method

Consider Walter Benjamin’s The Arcades Project as an experiment in method—let’s call it archive-as-method. How would you describe its rules or features? What does it aspire to? What does it achieve? Point to specific moments in the text that interest or excite you and go from there.

Blog Post #2: Archival Encounters

Pay a visit to an official archive of your choice and spend a few hours exploring its collections, following whatever interests or intrigues you. Using Farge and/or Steedman as a point of entry, consider your experience as an encounter with both the space of the archive and the materials it contains.

Collecting in a Medium: An Anachronistic Wish?

The Boston Athenaeum displays a digital collection, “Menus from Boston Hotels 1843-1865 ”, on their website. The basis of the collection appears thematic, geographic, and temporal in that all documents in the collection are menus (theme) from Boston (place) during the 19th century (time). While these documents at first appear private—once belonging to hotels and restaurants such as the Parker House and Young’s Cornhill Coffee House, or patrons of these establishments—further study reveals their relationship to what, in “The Power of the Archive and its Limits,” Achille Mbembe calls, “the general work of the state” (19). The fact that many of these menus originated in events such as the “Annual Dinner of the Common Council of the City of Boston” reveals one reason that some of these documents may have “fulfil[led] the criteria of ‘archivability’” (19). In fact, the archive description acknowledges these characteristics by stating that “some menus were for the general public, while others were printed for special private dinners held for groups of gentlemen or committees involved with government of the City of Boston.”

Items such as “Young’s Cornhill Coffee House Menu” reveal the movement of these objects from private to public possession—or “dispossession,” as Mbembe argues (20). The handwriting on the Young’s Cornhill Coffee House menu, which states the motto “Heart to heart, bold and true” and “Class of 1860,” recalls a (presumably now deceased) individual owner—demonstrates how the menu “ceased to belong to its author, in order to become property of society at large” and allow public accessibility. This movement or public repossession indicates the menus’ privileged statuses, a status I am always keenly aware of as a member of The Boston Athenaeum. Despite the public access to these documents, the athenaeum’s architecture, the ceramic busts in its halls, the location in Beacon Hill, and the very age of the institution announce a historical, patriarchal, and political status that seems to apply to every “archivably acceptable” document that the institution houses, including these menus. The menus belong to all of us and no one.

The description on the webpage of this collection addresses the status of the documents themselves in relation to their origin and physicality. Browsing through the menus, a viewer will observe that some menus are ornate while others are plain. Some are handwritten while others are printed (in black and white or color). The archive description implies that menus with “decorative printing in colored and metallic inks” or listings of “amazing bills of fare” have greater status, value, or (at least) difference by calling them “noteworthy.” The doily style menus are particularly arresting, some including figures of angels and filigree. These physical markings, and the original monetary investment institutions such as the National Lancers once made to create them, imply an economic and political privilege that The Boston Athenaeum upholds through the act of archiving, preserving, and publicly displaying the menus. These objects are granted the “privileged status” that’s material and narrative (Mbembe 20).

The archive description also reveals the “strategic position” of the archivist through the listing of both the collection’s financiers’ and curator’s names on the collection’s homepage. It is not until after digging down into the collection, clicking on the individual documents, a view will find the name of the original donor of the objects (“Gift; Ruth Thomas; Sept. 26, 1949.”) and names of individuals related to the institutions of the documents’ origins (e.g. Cornhill Coffee was “operated under the direction of Ora A. and Charles M. Taft until 1845”). The textual prominence of The Boston Athenaeum curator and donors’ names recalls Mbembe’s argument that “it is by the bias of this act of dispossession—this leaving out of the author—that the historian establishes his/her authority, and a society establishes a specific domain: the domain of things which, because shared, belong exclusively to no one (the public domain)” (25).

Lastly, to consider Jacques Derrida’s argument that “the technical structure of the archiving archive also determines the structure of the archivable content even in its very coming into existence and in its relationship to the future,” the fact that The Boston Athenaeum archived these menus long before the collection was digitized is apparent in the medium of the collected objects (17). The collection includes only printed or handwritten documents on paper, which was then possible to scan. In fact, many of the other items in other collections archived at The Boston Athenaeum during the same period are reports, directories, and almanacs from various public agencies and community organizations. It’s either literally impossible or very unlikely that the collection could include audio, video, or 3D objects such as a swatch of the Parker House’s tablecloths. The knowledge that this archive of menus transmits to us has been “determined by a state of the technology of communication and of archivization” during the late 19th and early 20th centuries (Derrida 16). In this way, the “Menus from Boston Hotels 1843-1865” collection is limited to textual and pictorial knowledge about the “migrating ducks and shore bird species” that were common in the area, the printing presses used by the prestigious organizations, and the spaces that Beacon Hill’s rich and powerful would have inhabited during the 19th century. All else is lost to then uncollectable mediums.

The main questions I had when reviewing this collection were:

  1. What criteria did menus regarding dinners of private groups have to meet in order to be included among menus from public agencies?
  2. Is it even fair to think that a Parker House tablecloth or some ephemeral object from the Committee and Sub-Committees’ 4th of July celebration could have been archived from this time period (or in 1949, when the items were donated)? While I agree with Derrida’s argument that technology informs the structure of the archive, these considerations feel a little anachronistic.
  3. If we were to consider Michel Foucault’s thoughts that “the archive is first the law of what can be said, the system that governs the appearance of statements as unique events,” what does a group of menus say other than that groups of wealthy or politically powerful men ate extravagant meals at notable Boston hotels and restaurants (129)? Does the collection do more than affirm ye old Bostonian politics and patriarchy? In other words, in what “limited space of communication” do these menus operate (126)?

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