Here’s a link to an in-progress draft of my project. My goals are to create an experience similar to  Tracing the Decay of Fiction: Encounters with a Film by Pat O’Neill: an interactive database narrative that promotes interactivity and the awareness of several choices that the user could make (Baron, 160).

In my project, I wanted to allow the user as much choice as possible when exploring a single archival document: a 1972 Mcdonald’s employee training video. When it wasn’t possible to provide choice, I tried to reveal my process in exploring the video.

When navigating the project, click on the blue links to either follow my exploration, watch the whole video, watch Mcdonald’s commercials from the 1970s, or go see my description of how the exploration was made so that you could, possibly, create your own exploration.

Through this project, I hope to examine the limitations of choice and the various ways that an archival video can be experienced when it is dissected and examined subjectively.

Note: There are a lot of bugs. I haven’t yet figured out how to link directly to internet sources—these failed links are observed by the links highlighted red. Also, some links don’t connect to the correct story element, leading the user to a blank page that says: “click here to edit”. If you hit a dead end you can click on the curved arrow in the left hand corner to backtrack. Also, most screens have a “go back to intro” option (but the link may not always work).