CS/IT 285L

Taught by A. Potasznik

Class slides

Below are the slides as presented in class. Make sure you are signed into your UMB OneDrive account to view.

Slides are updated often. If terms are changed, omitted, or added, the file will be updated. Other items, such as headlines and new studies, may be shown in class but do not trigger a website update of the slides. If you saw something in class that you wish to document, but it’s not on this version of the slides, please email the professor with your request.

Day 1
Peer to peer economy, free stuff, Turing test, Chinese room, Pace of Change (Moore’s Law).

Day 2
Themes – Old problem/new context, lag time, global reach, negative feedback loops, security v. convenience, ethical v. legal, deontological, utilitarianism, negative and positive rights, social contract theory, wrong vs. harm.

Day 3
Psychological elements: cognitive dissonance, creeping normalcy, conflicts of interest, nepotism, self dealing, bystander effect (China 2011: http://www.newyorker.com/news/evan-osnos/chinas-bystander-effect, Kitty Genovese 1964, CPR training), diffusion of responsibility (Holocaust), Streisand effect, Decision fatigue. Biases. Automation complacency. Logical fallacies.

Day 4
3 key aspects of privacy, re-id, secondary use, informed consent, invisible info gathering, opt out, opt in, fair info principles (+HIPAA 1996, Gramm-Leach-Bliley 1999, FISMA 2002), 4th amendment, Olmstead v. US, Katz v. US, Kyllo v. US. Ghostery.

Day 5

Right to be forgotten, GAO, SS numbers, encryption policy, Lavabit, EU Data Protection directive, GDPR, 1968 Omnibus Safe Streets, ECPA, CALEA, NSA, FISA, Cyber Security Enhancement Act (12/2014): https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/113/s1353, ensure open communication between private and public sectors regarding info on cyber attacks.

Day 6
Telecom Act of 1996, Regulatory structure of ISPs, Section 230, FCC, Net Neutrality, 1st amendment, free speech ok vs not ok, Twitter v Taamneh, nomination delays for FCC, SESTA-FOSTA, chilling effect, obscenity, Miller v California (1973), US v. Thomas (1996), CDA, COPA, CIPA, Brown v. Entertainment 2011, sexting, CAN SPAM. Visual representation of Information Service vs. Common Carrier categorization.

Day 7; transcript for Snowden video available here.
Whistle blower legislation: (OSHA Occupational Safety and Health): says that whistleblowers are protected from adverse action of employers for reporting conditions that put the health and safety of workers in jeopardy. But! Garcetti v. Ceballos 2006: When public employees make statements pursuant to their official duties, they are not speaking as citizens for First Amendment purposes, and the Constitution does not insulate their communications from employer discipline. Leaks: 3 things to consider, Espionage Act of 1917, Manning, Snowden, Winner. COPPA is a class term but not included in the slides; instead, its definition is in the answers to homework for Day 7.

Day 8
Anonymity, government control of internet, censorship, communication shut down in US, project Dragonfly.

Day 9
IP, Berne Convention, Title 17 Copyright Code, US v. LeMacchia, LeMacchia Loophole, 1997 No Electronic Theft Act, DMCA, Fair Use Doctrine

Day 10
Betamax case, Atari v. Nintendo, DRM and DMCA part 2, take down notices, Napster, Aereo, Trans-Pacific Partnership, Look and feel, Pirate Bay, Kim Dotcom, SOPA, Public domain, open source software, patents and trolls.

Day 11
Photographic copyright, photographic manipulation, AI in photography and art

Day 12
Responsible disclosure, Hacktivism, BART, Stuxnet, CFAA (clarified Title 18 https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/1030), US v Lori Drew, Aaron Swartz, Aaron Swartz video transcript, Aaron’s Law.

Day 13

Identity theft, fraud, whose laws rule the web, Catfishing, Silk road (CFAA among drug and murder-for-hire charges), Libel laws and tourism, Responsibility to prevent access vs. authority to prevent entry

Day 14: Midterm

Day 15

Gambling, Murphy v. NCAA, UIGEA (2006), State Lotteries, Fantasy Sports

Day 16
Review midterm, Job creation and destruction, Universal Basic Income, Availability: education vs. jobs, Telecommuting, Outsourcing and off-shoring.

Day 17
ECPA exceptions, Employer control beyond the workplace, Monitoring (continued), GPS tracking of employees.

Day 18
Evaluating information, Wisdom of the crowd, Online Degrees – Scams, Abdication of Responsibility

Day 19
Neo-luddism, planned obsolescence, the digital divide, digital dementia, conflict minerals, technological singularity.

Day 20
Glitches, voting errors, multiple systems working together

Day 21 (separate videos)
life-threatening glitches

Day 22
Professional ethics. Introduction to 9.3.1. ACM/IEEE Code of Ethics and Professional Practice

931 Methodology (updated 4/2024)
9.3.1. Methodology for use on final paper.

Scenario Slides
Scenarios – choose one to focus on for your final paper (if you chose the scenario version). More explanation on paper options here.
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