Jury Nullification

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                                      Jury Nullification 




Jury nullification is the not-guilty verdict a jury comes to, even if the evidence contradicts the verdict. A jury may come to the verdict of not guilty due to unjust treatment or disagreement with the laws presented in the case. 


Jury: A select number of people appointed by the court of law to determine the facts and truth of a case or charge submitted to them and render a verdict

Nullification:  The action of a state refusing to allow a federal law to be enforced within its limits,”


Jury nullification originated in the United Kingdom/colonial America and dates back to 1215. 

Application of the term:

One of the most prominent cases that involve jury nullification is the 1670 case of religious members who broke the law.  Jurors acquitted. The religious party was found not guilty of breaking the law because the law was allowed in their religious institution. 

Additional Information: Jurors are not allowed to know what jury nullification is. In Massachusetts, it is illegal to discuss jury nullification and argue jury nullification by an attorney.

“Although it is improper for a juror to disregard the law as given by the judge, it remains within the power of a juror to vote his or her conscience.” ( Comm.v. Herbert 1979)

Related Words :




Juror veto

Jury Pardon 


Commonwealth vs. Calvin Hebert. HEBERT, COMMONWEALTH vs., 379 Mass. 752. (n.d.). hhttp://masscases.com/cases/sjc/379/379mass752.html  Harper, D. R. (n.d.). Jury+: Search online etymology dictionary. Etymology. https://www.etymonline.com/search?q=jury%2B 

Legal Information Institute. n.d.). Jury nullification. Legal Information Institute. https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/jury_nullification (n.d.). Jury nullification. Legal Information Institute. https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/jury_nullification


Pronouciation, https://youglish.com/pronounce/jury nullification/English/us 

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