Alexander Fleming

Alexander Fleming (8/6/1881- 3/11/1955) Scottish Physician and Microbiologist   Alexander Fleming is famously known for his somewhat accidental discovery of penicillin in 1928.  The first broadly effective antibiotic; saving millions of lives in the process. Prior to that discovery, he discovered lysozyme, a naturally occurring antimicrobial enzyme in animals in 1922.   Dr. Flemming was […]

Robert Thompson’s Death and the Chinese Massacre of 1871

  References: Forgotten Los Angeles history: The Chinese massacre of 1871. (n.d.). Los Angeles Public Library. Jones, R. (2021, October 24). 150 years ago, a mob attacked Los Angeles’s Chinese community. The Washington Post. Oct. 24, 1871: Los Angeles Chinatown massacre. (2023, October 25). Zinn Education Project.,middle%20of%20a%20local%20dispute. The commemoration of the 1871 […]

Project Bread

Project Bread is a nonprofit organization that works to reduce food insecurity throughout Massachusetts. Founded in 1969 by Patrick Hughes, the organization has helped pass many milestones to create equal and equitable access to food resources for low-income families throughout Massachusetts. Its first big feat was the Boston Walk for Hunger, an event that happens […]

Risk Factors

Risk Factors Donya Al-Alami Risk Factors: the variables within an environment or within the context of a situation that leadto an increase in the potential for adverse outcomes to develop, impacting individuals orcommunities.       The term ‘risk factor’ initially emerged in a public health setting, in the 1960s.  The 1970s saw a rise […]

Amerasian Immigration Act of 1982

Amerasian Immigration Act of 1982 by Vivi Duong The Amerasian Immigration Act of 1982 (AIA):  Refers to a law passed by Congress and signed into law By President Ronald Regan, following the Vietnam War restrictively allowing for offspring born to American soldiers and a South Pacific citizen to be granted the right to immigrate but […]

American Dream

Written by Joselyn Bonilla American Dream: The collective ideal that every citizen of the United States should have an equal opportunity to achieve success and prosperity through hard work, determination, and initiative. Etymology: This term was first coined by James Truslow Adams (1878-1949), a US writer and popular historian, in his book, “Epic of America” […]

Jury Nullification

                                      Jury Nullification  Pronunciation: Joor-ee-null-if-ic-kay-shun Definition: Jury nullification is the not-guilty verdict a jury comes to, even if the evidence contradicts the verdict. A jury may come to the verdict of not guilty due to unjust treatment […]

Jury Nullification

                                                            Jury Nullification      Pronunciation: Joor-ee-null-if-ic-kay-shun Definition: Jury nullification is the not-guilty verdict a jury comes to, even if the evidence contradicts the verdict. A […]

Critical Psychology

Aylin Giron   Critical Psychology: “Problem from the societal point of view, rather than an individual’s perspective.” Critical Psychology argues that we don’t think, and act based on internal factors, but societal influences, such as culture, economics, power imbalances, and barriers that affect an individual’s behavior, and thinking. A need to understand these issues in […]