Oh Clinic: My Precious Golden Child- South Korea

Girls Inc. > > Oh Clinic: My Precious Golden Child- South Korea

By: Francisco G. Salles, Jr

Program Name: 금쪽같은 내 새끼(My Precious Golden Child) 

Is a program where parents and their children go on national television, accompanied by the program host who is a psychiatrist, and a board of television personnel who all react to the situation of the parents and child. 

Mission: What/who they serve:

Here the psychiatrist gives a diagnosis along with a treatment plan, including television follow ups and on the side helps in case of emergencies or roadblocks in the progress of either the parent or child. Along the way, the psychiatrist offers separate parent and child therapy, and if the parties are willing, can attend therapy together in the future. 

These program files remain purchasable and accessible in South Korea, and accessible online on YouTube and onDemandKorea for those globally.

Overall, the psychiatrist helps the relationships between family members while also approaching things through the latest scientific and medical practices—all in an effort to help the clients and the viewers destigmatize treatment. 

Founded by: 오은영 박사 |  吳恩永|Dr. Oh Eun-young

History: After having decades of experience in TV shows, variety, and even in the medical field, through her Golden Clinic series, she started in 2020 with 요즘 육아 금쪽같은 내 새끼 for children all until today, 요즘 가족 금쪽 수업 in 2021 for parents , 오은영의 금쪽 상담소 from 2021-today for celebrities and average people to express their concerns and receive psychiatric help is necessary and, in 오은영 리포트 – 결혼지옥 established in 2022-today, for those with concerns in their marriages. 

With these three ongoing popular shows, along with her past foundation in “My Child Has Changed/우리 아이가 달라졌어요” which aired from 2006 to 2015, the doctor has significant experience and exposure to the public—which is what ultimately made her attempts at helping the public the world-renown success it is today in South Korea. 

Where located: Hospital/Counseling Centers address: 경기 수원시 영통구 원천동 79-8

Area of Coverage:

Language disorders (with focus on speech therapy),

ADHD: helps organize symptoms, causes, proper evaluation, problems ADHD causes and their treatments & therapy specific for these patients. 

Children: covers tic disorder, language deficiencies, learning disabilities, poor learning skills, developmental disabilities, internet addiction, enuresis, anxiety & depression.

Is provided up until adolescence in this category, can include family counseling and drug prescription if necessary. 

Adults: anxiety disorders, stress counseling, depression, anger management, insomnia, adult dementia, clinic for couples, and the umbrella of eating disorders.

Psychiatric evaluation: comprehension, attention, lobe functionality, proper development and general psychological evaluation. 


Other contact info:

Important people:

Hospital Staff

Successes: The doctor with all her home visits, shows and personal life, has had her time stretched thinly with how popular she has gotten, and especially since reviews of her work are well-known, all of her locations work on a reservation basis of 6-months—1 year due to how populous the requests for her session are in demand.

Controversies: Parents complain therapy isn’t enough, but in reality, korean citizens wanted her to raise their children and solve all their issues without much effort, and she publicly  said that their children would never get better if their parents don’t help in the process. 

There are aso price controversies, where despite there being a large price difference in attendance here and in America, especially with how much insurance actually covers, and despite being cheaper in Korea from an American perspective, prices are still on the mid to high side for someone actually ill who needs frequent treatment and different testing. While most sick people in America have lots of debt as well, there isn’t much difference except for the fact that all the other facilities that access, provide therapy and hospital work are actually all owned by her, and side by side in fact, which makes traveling during the process better. 

There is also an authority scandal where many individuals online have misinterpreted her teachings. Due to the recent discovery fo a teacher who committed suicide, many parents and officials in the medical community said her concept of understanding every child was impossible. Although true with the budget schools offer, and the authority teachers have in school, there are still manners and procedures to take care of children without using violence to correct their behavior, but to still use discipline, which was Dr. Oh Eun Young’s point. 

Further Korean Articles on perspectives of the Scandal:




Interview at her Alma Mater BA:



Link to their website. http://www.ohclinic.net/ 


American Review of her Work:



All shows she has appeared in:



Where to watch adult mental concerns: https://www.ondemandkorea.com/en/player/vod/oh-eun-youngs-golden-clinic


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