Girls Inc.

> Girls Inc.

Girls, Inc. - Wikipedia


Who founded them, why, when: 

Rachel Harris Johnson, 1864: A non profit that provides a safe environment for all girls, allows them to reach their full potential, helping develop the skills and confidence to speak out, and become leaders. Particularly helps out  those in high-risk, under served communities.

Ages 5-18 

Girls Inc, is a national program, going further out than Greater Boston

 Requirements: must be 5-18 yrs old

 interested in their programs to empower young girls

 no academic or financial qualifications needed to join

 Organization aims to be inclusive to all girls

Mission Statement: “To inspire girls to be strong,smart and bold”

Goals: Equip girls to reach their full potential while advocating with and for them to end inequality and discrimination


counties voted to cut state funding from Girls Inc, the funds were cut over the issues related to

Gender Identity Exploration

abortion rights

and social justice.

Contact Info: ∙ (781) 592-9744

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