Fair Count Inc

Community Programs > > Fair Count Inc


Fair Count Inc is a nonprofit organization founded in 2019 by Stacey Abrams. Its mission is to achieve a fair and accurate count of the people in its home state, Georgia, as well as across the nation in the census. Fair Count aims to achieve this through providing communities which are historically undercounted at the polls or in the census, and communities whose representation was damaged by redistricting, with the encouragement, means, and information, to strengthen civic participation and serve the communities’ true interests. By working with other organizations and community leaders, Fair count builds long term connections with these communities and provides the necessary resources for them to get involved and utilize their civic participation. Some of these resources include internet connection in rural/underdeveloped communities, translated non-partisan literature for non-English speakers, and hosted events to help communities gather and learn how to get involved politically.

Fair Count saw some success in Georgia in 2022, stating on their website that “in the Runoff Election, where 33/36 counties bested the statewide turnout rate for Black voters. And in 34 of [their] 36 priority counties, the Black Vote Share Gap decreased to that of the General. However, statewide, [they] did not see an equitable electorate.” Fair count has also been able to establish internet connections in over 150 underserved communities, and in 2022 along disseminated over 100,000 pieces of relevant, bilingual, partisan literature.

Fair Count is a 4-star charity, rated at 94% for its accountability, finances, leadership and community by charitynavigator.org, and is known for its transparency and strong community relationships.

Fair Count has multiple different programs which all employ their own methods and focus on smaller community goals to work towards their collective goal of a fair and accurate count. Some of these programs include:

Black Men Count- aiming to increase the civic participation of black men who are one of the most undercounted populations in the census.

Sisters for Civics- aiming to ensure that Black, LatinX, Native, and AAPI women and girls are civically represented.

Technology Solutions- aimed to provide internet access to bridge technological divide and give them access to online resources.

FAIR districts-a public online mapping program aimed to push fair and transparent redistricting processes to protect currently undercounted communities.


Website: faircount.org

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