CM PASS Program

UMass Boston College of Management Program for Academic Success Strategies

Wednesday’s Word of the Wise: Preparing for the First Week of Classes


The Spring semester is just around the corner, and I know the anxiety and stress of classes beginning so soon might be getting to you. The important thing is to remember that this can be a fresh start. That means new classes, professors, and subjects. It is important to reflect on past semesters to know what went right and what went wrong. Think about what you might do differently in the coming semester and then make a reasonable plan of how you can change a few things. Should you keep a planner with all your assignments and work schedule for the spring in one location? Should you plan on going to tutoring right away before you get behind? Should you reach our to your Professors during their office hours to introduce yourself? Should you continue to reach out for help when you feel like you need it? Should you keep a positive attitude? You should.

Once you have an idea of what you should do to be successful this coming semester, then you can put it into action. Get your books for classes, review syllabi, and be excited for the new semester. This is where you can see those changes in action – only if you let yourself change!

Here is a first week checklist that might help you start that change.

  • Buy books and any notebooks, binders, paper or pens you might need for your classes
  • Use a planner for all assignments
  • Attend all classes
  • Review syllabi and assignments for each class
  • Go to your Professor’s Office Hours and introduce yourself
  • Update your availability at work if you need to change your hours to not only attend class, but also complete your assignments
  • Read the first reading assignments before the due date
  • Let your close family or friends know that classes are starting so you may be busier this time of year

Hopefully this will be the start to a great semester!

As always, email us at with any specific questions you may have.

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