Supporting materials for the Textbook VIA LATINA (M.L. Aguilar & J. Tárrega, Ed. Cultura Clásica 2022)
Here you will find supporting materials for the textbook VIA LATINA (written by María Luisa Aguilar and Jorge Tárrega, Cultura Clásica, 2022). It is a collection of texts on Roman Mythology and History adapted to the first three chapters of the book. Furthermore, these folders contain a bunch of SLA-based exercises covering audios, paintings, descriptions, etc.
All materials have been created by UMass Boston graduate student Elizabeth Fitting. This project has been funded by a UMass Boston College of Liberal Arts Pedagogical Innovation Award. It was supervised by Professors Christopher Cochran, Diane Anderson, and Jorge Tárrega.
For any questions regarding these materials, please reach out to jorge.tarregagarrido [at] umb.edu.
Feel free to use all texts and exercises in your classes.
Furthermore, Collegium Latinitatis have uploaded recordings for chapters 1,2,3,4,5,7 (October 2022). It has been recorded by professors from different countries all around the world. Check the list here.
Contribute Your Own Supporting Materials
If you have your own supporting materials for Via Latina which you would like to share on our page, please email Jorge Tarrega (Jorge.TarregaGarrido [at] umb.edu) or check the website vialatina.es, where lots of materials are shared by High School teachers from several countries.