The Collaborative Institute

Building Connections

The First Global Conference on Oceans Climate and Security


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The First Global Conference on Oceans, Climate and Security

For over a decade, some policy makers and progressive thinkers in military and intelligence establishments have indicated concern about the impacts of climate change and threats to national and human security. A major element of that concern is the impact of climate change on oceans, and how sea level rise, warming, acidification, and the disappearance of ice mass in the North and South poles will pose threats to our national security. These threats can be direct, such as impacting our military installations at sea level, and indirect, such as by the destabilization of populations and countries through the loss of food sources and flooding.

The purpose of the First Global Conference on Oceans, Climate and Security (GCOCS) is to:

• Raise the awareness level of the threat of climate change to our oceans and the consequent threat to our human and national security,
• Identify, prioritize and fill the knowledge gaps in science and technology which inhibit understanding of and adaption to future threats;
• Generate global security policy and governance recommendations in the light of the climate, ocean, and security continuum.

GCOCS will help shape our collective understanding and positively influence our futures through strategic and important conversations enhanced by cross-pollination of diverse, multi-disciplinary perspectives elicited through plenary, panel and world café sessions.

This Conference is a joint presentation of the Collaborative Institute for Oceans, Climate and Security at the University of Massachusetts at Boston (CIOCS) and Battelle Memorial Institute (Battelle). GCOCS will be held May 21-23, 2012 in Boston, Massachusetts.

The GCOCS website will go live in February, 2011. In the meantime, for more information please email

Author: The Collaborative Institute for Oceans, Climate and Security (CIOCS)

The Collaborative Institute for Oceans, Climate and Security is distinguished by its focus on the intersections of oceans, climate and security, and emerging associated policy and management implications. Founded at UMass Boston in January 2010, the Collaborative Institute exists to develop and communicate high-value intellectual, policy, and technical expertise to help stabilize the health of our atmosphere, coastal communities and marine ecosystems, and human/national security for all. It seeks on a global scale to create new strategic opportunities to bring innovation to science, policy and communications. Visionary, as well as opportunistic and flexible, the Collaborative Institute uses multi-sector engagement as a cornerstone of its work and uses public/private revenue to sustain its mission.

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