Lisa DeAngelis, Director

UMass Boston | College of Management | Center for Collaborative Leadership

The Impact of a Person

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In the past two months the world – my world – has lost two incredible men to cancer. This blog is not about the horrible disease that claimed their lives; this is about honoring how they chose to live their lives.


Both men were men of character, who held strong beliefs and values and who strove to live by them. Both were entrepreneurs but neither defined themselves by the work that they did. Rather, they used the work as a platform to express their unique gifts.


I have had the incredible honor of knowing individuals throughout my life who have had this strong sense of self – this deeper understanding of their life was connected to the lives of others. Each of these individuals has demonstrated the influence that one person – one authentic being – can have on another.


I am often asked why I do the work that I do. For me, this is my gift, to help others understand who they are as a leader – regardless of their title – and the incredible joy and impact that can come from fully living the life you are meant to live. As leaders, where we are able to unlock this potential in ourselves and other, there is the boundless opportunity to create change.


“Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle,

and the life of the candle will not be shortened.

Happiness never decreases by being shared.” – Buddha


While those who knew these men would agree that their time on earth was not nearly long enough, I think that they would also agree with me when I say that the impact that they had – the thousands of candles that they lit – will remain strong.

Dedicated to Fernando Garcia and Jim Tupper

One Comment

  1. Thank you, Lisa. This is beautiful and so true! Well written.

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