The Collaborative Institute

Building Connections

Collaborative Institute to Host Global Conference


The 2012 Global Conference on Oceans, Climate and Security Planning Team is pleased to announce a change of venue for the GC’12 (previously known by the acronym GCOCS) scheduled for May 21-23, 2012. To maximize participation in a challenging economic climate, GC’12 will now be hosted at the beautiful facilities of UMASS Boston Campus Center and the adjacent John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum. The Collaborative Institute for Oceans, Climate and Security at UMASS Boston will assume GC’12 administration and management responsibility from Battelle Memorial Institute who ably provided Conference administration to the point of opening registration. We are pleased to acknowledge the continued support of Battelle Memorial Institute as a GC’12 Diamond Sponsor valued supporter. GC’12 registration will open mid-January 2012.  For more information, visit

Author: The Collaborative Institute for Oceans, Climate and Security (CIOCS)

The Collaborative Institute for Oceans, Climate and Security is distinguished by its focus on the intersections of oceans, climate and security, and emerging associated policy and management implications. Founded at UMass Boston in January 2010, the Collaborative Institute exists to develop and communicate high-value intellectual, policy, and technical expertise to help stabilize the health of our atmosphere, coastal communities and marine ecosystems, and human/national security for all. It seeks on a global scale to create new strategic opportunities to bring innovation to science, policy and communications. Visionary, as well as opportunistic and flexible, the Collaborative Institute uses multi-sector engagement as a cornerstone of its work and uses public/private revenue to sustain its mission.

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