Our country has an unfortunate history of systemic racism and misogynoir (racism mixed with sexism) that has persisted since before the formation of this country to present day. One of the many tentacles of the octopus that is racism, is that of erasure. In America, the history we are taught in school is not always the full picture, whether that is the history of the country and its politics or even the history of science and math. You may be surprised to find out that many significant advances in the areas of chemistry, medicine, math, and engineering were made by black and brown men and women! These scientists and mathematicians are not often talked about or taught in school for a multitude of reasons. Many of them are glossed over by the authors of history and science books, many have had their work and credit stolen from them. It is important that we know the true history of our country and of our science. It is also important that we see ourselves in both, which is why in this workshop, we will shine a light on those who were erased from STEM history. Along the way, we will learn not only about their contributions to science and math but to their communities as well!