Schools our alumni have attended:.
* American International College
* Benjamin Franklin Institute of Technology
* Brandeis TYP (Matriculated To Brandeis)
* Boston College
* Boston University
* Bryn Mawr
* Bunker Hill Community College
* Fisher College
* Georgetown University
* Hesser College
* Hofstra University
* Howard University
* Johnson and Wales College
* Lasell College
* Mass Bay Community College
* Mass College of Liberal Arts
* Massasoit Community College
* Mount Holyoke College
* Northeastern University
* Pine Manor College
* Roxbury Community College
* Saint Michael’s College
* Simmons College
* Spelman College
* Suffolk University
* The College of Holy Cross
* UMass Boston
* UMass Dartmouth
* University of New Hampshire
* Wheaton College
* Year Up