MAP Events for the Week of 5/6/2013

These are the MAP events for the week of 5/6/2013


Write and Cite, Right!: Starts at 2:00 PM in the Academic Support Center, Campus Center First Fl. Event Capacity: 10. MAP miles:50


Venture Development Center Business Launch Competition: Starts at 4:30PM In the Venture Development Center. MAP Miles: 75

Delta Sigma Pi: “Finding Your Way Into the Corporate World.”: Starts at 6:00 PM Located in the MacCormack building 3rd Fl, Room 721 MAP Miles: 50


Small Group Communication: Starts at 9:00 AM in the Campus Center 1st Fl Room 1313. Event Capacity: 16. MAP Miles: 50. Special Guest Speaker: David Earnhardt.

Importance of Business Etiquette: Starts at 3:00 PM in MacCormack Fl 3 Room 430 MAP Miles: 50


Write and Cite, Right!: Starts at 11:00 AM in the Academic Support Center, Campus Center First Fl. MAP Miles: 50. Event Capacity: 10

Think Before You Post: Starts at 3:00 PM Location is TBD check the MAP calender at for updates. MAP Miles: 50

AAREP (African American Real Estate Professionals) New England, Inc. 3rd Annual Career Pane: Starts at 6:00 PM on 40 Broad Street, Boston. MAP Miles: 100



For more information on MAP events go to