Applied Linguistics Department

Happening in APLING

AILA 2024: APLING at Kuala Lumpur II

As we continue to celebrate our department’s contributions to the 60th anniversary of the International Association of Applied Linguistics (AILA), we are excited to highlight the symposium titled “Critical Approaches to Language Teacher Education: Developing Critical Praxis” under the Language Teaching, Learning, and Acquisition track. This symposium showcases the innovative work of our dedicated APLING faculty and students at UMB, who are actively  contributing to the field.

Dr. Carhill-Poza and our recent doctoral graduate Jesse Rubio presented their project, “Multilingual Family Mentors in a Teacher Education Space,” while Dr. Carhill-Poza and doctoral candidate Vannessa Quintana Sarria shared their study titled “Embedded Coaching for Language Educators: A Praxis Approach.”

Furthermore, our dear faculty members Dr. Gounari and Dr. Sclafani enriched the symposium with their projects: “Not Just Language: Critical Praxis in Language Teacher Education” by Dr. Gounari, and “The Justice Language Action Project (JLAP): A Theory-to-Practice Approach” by Dr. Sclafani.

Congratulations and heartfelt thanks to all of our faculty and students for their hard work and for proudly representing our department on this international stage!

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