The Office of Graduate Studies, McCormack Graduate School of Policy and Global Studies, the College of Liberal Arts, the College of Education and Human Development, and the College of Science and Mathematics are pleased to announce the 2024 cohort of the UMass Boston Transdisciplinary Dissertation Proposal Development Program (TDPD) Summer Institute. Doctoral students of the Applied Linguistics Department Jacqueline Campo and Wonguk Cho have been selected to participate in the program among a large and highly competitive pool of candidates from across the University.

Jacqueline Campo (Applied Linguistics, College of Liberal Arts). Topic: the experiences, identities, language practices, and educational trajectories of Quechua people.
Wonguk Cho (Applied Linguistics, College of Liberal Arts). Topic: relationship between language policies and language practices nationally and within families related to a recent growth in immigration of temporary workers to South Korea.

Using inter- and transdisciplinary approaches, the Summer Institute helps students develop competitive proposals for external funding, increases their support networks, and provides career development guidance. Following the Summer Institute, students receive $3000 in summer research funds to support their dissertation proposal development. The first part of the Summer Institute will take place June 11 – 15; the second part will take place September 13 – 15. During the summer, students will conduct preliminary research to support their proposal development. Professor Rosalyn Negrón (Anthropology) and Professor Elizabeth Sweet (Anthropology) will be this year’s faculty facilitators.
The Department of Applied Linguistics has been having doctoral students in TDPD for many years and continues this tradition. Among alumni of TDPD are Aram Ahmed, Tianxuan Wang, Nasiba Norova, Vannessa Quintana Sarria, and Iuliia Fakhrutdinova.