Iuliia Fakhrutdinova, a doctoral candidate in the Applied Linguistics Department, recently published an article, Towards Critical Dialogue with Refugee-Background Students, in the latest volume of MATSOL Currents. Utilizing Critical Pedagogy and Critical Race Theory as the primary theoretical foundation in her classroom, she detailed her shift towards an asset-oriented approach when working with refugee-background and immigrant multilingual students. Specifically, she shared a unit plan that incorporates media texts, books, art, and stories created by refugee-background students, providing adaptable resources for teachers in various contexts.
To access the recent MATSOL Currents, please click here. Additionally, you can find her course materials shared on Padlet by checking here.
MATSOL (Massachusetts Association of Teachers of Speakers of Other Languages) represents a professional community of educators working with multilingual learners in Massachusetts. For more information on membership, conferences, and Special Interest Groups, please visit this link for relevant details.
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