Applied Linguistics Department

Happening in APLING

AI-writing vs. Human writing: How differently do the machines write?

Professor George Mikros from Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar, gave a talk on How Large Language Models(LLMs) write? A stylometric comparison of major AI text generative models November 30th at the Applied Linguistics Department, UMass Boston. Professor Mikros provided information about Chat GPT, human perception of AI writing, linguistic and statistical characteristics of LLMs languages, and AI writing detection experiments. During the talk, we learned that Chat GPT is more positive and neutral rather than humans. Surprisingly, humans are more negative in their writing and have more extreme emotions, while AI writing tends to use big words, conjunctions, additive connectives, and smaller paragraphs. What is more shocking based on Professor Mikros’ work that AI is an American, woman, 18-40 years old, agreeable, and politically lefty. After the talk, Prof. Mikros received numerous burning questions from the audience such as what would happen to our education and literacy with AI, how our world will change, and what to expect from AI that led to such fruitful discussion.

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