Applied Linguistics Department

Happening in APLING

Bringing Brazilian Culture and Public Speaking to Communities

Rosiane de Oliveira a doctoral student and Ph.D. candidate at the Applied Linguistics Department at UMass Boston will be teaching a Brazilian culture and language class at Cape Cod Healthcare which is part of the Hospitals and Physicians Clinics industry located in Massachusetts, United States.

Also, Rosiane currently is teaching a class on public speaking at Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at UMass Boston. The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at UMass Boston is a community of mature adults who enjoy learning. OLLI’s mission is to promote access to learning for mature learners age 50+.

Congratulations Rosiane on these amazing teaching avenues and good luck with her dissertation that focuses on socialization, heritage language maintenance, and language policy through an ethnographic case study of a trilingual family!

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