Applied Linguistics Department

Happening in APLING

Educational Language Policy in Massachusetts: Discourses of the LOOK Act

Jesse Rubio, doctoral candidate in Applied Linguistics, has been analyzing language policy in Massachusetts. Stay tuned for her dissertation research on the LOOK Act. And recently, Jesse has published her article Educational Language Policy in Massachusetts: Discourses of the LOOK Act in Educational Policy Journal. Check out Jesse Rubio’s article, click the link below!

Caption: Jesse Rubio

Jesse reflects: “Given the recent reversal of a restrictive, English-only educational policy in Massachusetts, this study was inspired by my interest in understanding how multilingual policies are enacted. The article explores the discourses of the actual policy text, called An Act Relative to Language Opportunity for Our Kids (LOOK Act), and is an effort to reveal the potential of multilingual education in Massachusetts within the parameters of state policy.

Rubio, J. (2022). Educational Language Policy in Massachusetts: Discourses of the LOOK Act. Educational Policy36(6), 1440–1463. URL:

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