Applied Linguistics Department

Happening in APLING

Promoting Linguistic Tolerance and Respect towards Diverse Varieties of Englishes and their Speakers


Nasiba Narova’s chapter in Barbara Birch’s edited book is entitled World Englishes and Linguicism: Spreading Linguistic Tolerance. She explains that, “Having experienced linguistic racism myself, I realized how important it is to introduce critical concepts of linguicism and World Englishes into ESL classrooms. This chapter offers curriculum ideas for social justice-oriented radical teachers who empower their students by teaching how to counteract negative attitudes towards English varieties and linguistic racism.”

The goal of expanding universal human rights, economic justice, and peace depends on achieving linguistic equity. English proficiency can be a source of oppression for many foreign-born non-native speakers. This chapter argues that introducing the concept of World Englishes (WEs) into the curriculum of the English language classroom will promote linguistic tolerance and respect towards diverse varieties of Englishes and their speakers. The curriculum is intended to dismantle prejudicial attitudes and intolerance, and promote social and linguistic equity, human rights, and economic justice.

The edited book–Creating Classrooms of Peace in English Language Teaching–will be available on/after June 9th, 2022. Check out Nasiba’s chapter: Contact her with questions or comments at

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