Welcome From Urban Scholar: Helen Adeyemo
Hi, my name is Helen Adeyemo. I am a scholar from the Urban Scholars Program, a Nigerian and a good representation of the Jeremiah E. Burke High School. I’ve been in the Urban Scholars Program for 2 Years. I Am a Christian.
As a rising senior, I decided to gain more experience about life and of fields of study before going to college. Although my interest is not really in journalism, in the medical field, I love to write a lot. For example, if I was asked to write an essay of 2 pages, I end up writing up to 4-5 pages. I am not usually the type of person that is very open. I only talk freely with people I have known for almost a year, but other than that I am a quiet person but very bold to talk among a crowd.
I was not really bothered about being an IT intern because it would help me more during my college interview by not getting nervous and answer the questions right. I am also very excited to be working alongside my friend. I hope to be better at taking photographs, more confident at interviewing people and come back next year.