USCARS celebrates the  end of summer and honors Amanda Nguyen

USCARS celebrates the end of summer and honors Amanda Nguyen

Students eat their lunch and enjoy each other’s company before the ceremony starts.

Blue and white balloons are flying by the windows and projector. Students sit at circle tables.

Students sit in round tables.

Team members all smile into the camera as they are in the middle of serving students lunch.

Team leaders Deion, Luidgi, Darny, Jancly, Leo, Carlene and Laura serve students delicious rice and beans, plantains, salad and etc along with some positivity!

Three posters (Problems in Urban Communities, Boston Strong and Racism in Boston)

Throughout the 7 weeks, students got to learn about their very own city and the different political socioeconomic problems. How amazing is that?

Photos of students creating and playing drums on poster board poster that says "Making Music"

Students present a synopsis of what their Tuesday and Thursday workshop look like with photos and mini captions!

Team leaders and staff start grabbing lunch in line. Staff has plate in hand at the end of the line waiting his turn.

Staff starts making their way into the lunch line after students got fed.

Team leaders sit behind shapes put together by students in the geometry class.

Team leaders sit behind shapes put together by students in the geometry class.

Student in red sneakers, khaki pants and blue short proudly holds his trophy as he walks to his seat.

Terri program director hands student in glasses and shorts trophy while other staff clap and cheer.

Student with hijab poses with trophy in her hand as she makes way to her seat.