Councilor Pressley Inspires Crowd of Students
On November 3, 2009, Ayanna Pressley became the first woman of color to serve on the Boston City Council. Since then, she has been a prominent advocate for women, family, and education. I got the chance to meet the councillor on July 24, 2015, at the John Hancock MLK Summer Scholars workshop at the Boston University Agganis arena, where youth participants meet as part of the summer internship curriculum.
While she was there, Pressley delivered a speech to the crowd about her troubled past and her vision for the future while also passing along pearls of wisdoms to all of the scholars. I was so motivated by her words and sense of presence, especially when she said: “Civic engagement is about movement, vision, struggle and sacrifice ” and “To dream is just a sleepwalking state, make your vision real.”
I also got the chance to speak with Councilor Pressley briefly before the workshop was over, and she inspired me, and many of the other students at the arena, to follow our dreams and to keep fighting against the obstacles that get in our way. It was an absolute pleasure to be a part of this experience, and I am ecstatic to be able to share it with you.