An Interview with Max Castillo
Max Castillo from Match High School is a first-year scholar at the Summer Transportation Institute (STI). Through his experience in the program, he has gained a tremendous amount of skill in building small boats that are made of wood. He says, “making the boats with propellers was the hardest challenge for him.” As part of the program’s activities, there was a competition where students worked in teams and were challenged with creating boats that could, without sinking, carry the most amount of pennies across a small pool of water. Stephanie, another student of the program, and Max won the competition.
Another one of Max’s favorite activities at STI was sailing around the harbor on a windy day. When referring to the experience, he told me told me that “It felt like being in a scene from the Fast & the Furious” .
He reflects, “ if you don’t have the right tools, the work becomes even harder.” Max, along with the students of STI, worked meticulously this summer and are one step closer to creating their future.
Wow that so interesting and so great about this and this so creative made , good work and nice inteview too
Telkom University