An Interview with Minthu Nguyen
On August 11, I had the chance to speak to Minhtu Nguyen, an intern from the Boston Private Industry Council (PIC). PIC connects the youth and adults of Boston to a variety of education and employment opportunities. PIC manages the private sector of the Mayor’s Summer Jobs Campaign and employs about 900 students.
Minhtu is a recent graduate of South Boston High School and will be attending UMass Boston in the fall. At the moment, she is undecided on her major but has an interest in Nursing.
Currently, Minhtu is working as an Administrative Assistant with the Ross Center for Disability Services at UMass Boston. She is very enthusiastic about her position because “it allows [her] to learn more about UMass Boston.” Her job also allows her to learn skills that she can apply to any future job or professional setting at UMass Boston and beyond.
Minthu is enjoying her internship with the Ross Center. She is grateful to PIC and to UMass Boston for giving her this opportunity. She describes her experience as amazing and has told me about her love of the job and her coworkers.
“My coworkers are very nice. They threw me a little party when I graduated from the Directions for Student Potential (DSP) program. I like working here because it’s better than staying at home and watching TV.”
When the internship ends, Minthu will begin her freshman year here at UMass Boston and is extremely happy about this new chapter in her life. I really enjoyed meeting her and I wish her the best of luck with her bright future.
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