A wonderful opportunity to join the Commonwealth Seminar, with whom the Office of Community Partnerships has partnered with since 2019 to provide our UMass Boston community with access to their professional development program in public service. We have had twelve UMB cohorts participate to date, and everyone has been positive and moved by the experience. We are recruiting for our thirteenth cohort of UMass Boston students and recent alumni for the Spring 2023 session and looking for 7 committed, motivated and exceptional individuals to participate in their 6-week seminar program for FREE.
1,600 people have participated in this program, some have run for office since then or pursued careers in the public sector, and others have found ways to empower their work in other sectors with the powerful inside knowledge that they obtained regarding systems work.
Below you will find more information about the program, and next steps should you be interested in pursuing this opportunity.
* Created to open the doors to government for people of color by providing training, networking and access to top policy makers;
* Opportunity to access the State House, local and state public officials in ways that build social capital, empowerment and opportunity;
* Professional development opportunity for professionals and local residents and runs three times a year for six weeks in the evenings;
* Application process normally has a cost associated, UMB Cohort students will be waived of the cost;
* Sessions normally run with a cohort of about 20 adult practitioners, and are offered in fall, winter, and spring.
* The session begins Wednesday, May 10th. The session schedule is (all sessions begin at 5:45pm): Wednesday (5/10), Wed (5/17), Wed (5/24), Wed (5/31), Wed (6/7), and Wed (6/14 – Graduation). All sessions will be virtual.
If interested and can fully commit to completing the program, please: 1) email ocp@umb.edu; cc: Cynthia.orellana@umb.eduYOUR INTENT TO APPLY AND REQUEST TO RESERVE YOUR SLOT BY MIDNIGHT ON APRIL 23RD. OCP will then share the electronic application being managed by our partners at the Seminar and you will have until April 30th to submit the application online to be counted as part of our sponsored UMB cohort. 2) Include in the email yourheadshot, major, and expected year of graduation, as well as UMB faculty/staff whom you’d like us to let know once we share the announcement of the new cohort, please let us know if you have any questions or concerns in this regard.
We will take intents to apply and request to reserve your slot on a first-come, first-served basis until all slots are filled. Once we have filled the slots, we will pass on candidates to the Commonwealth Seminar staff, at which point they will communicate directly about the program logistics.
Thank you for considering this opportunity. We look forward to hearing from you.
Office of Community Partnerships
Office of the Provost
UMass Boston