Here you will find resources for Open Social Studies, which is an inquiry-based and literacy-focused social studies curriculum for Grades K-6.
Starting in the early elementary grades, all children should receive regular instruction in the social studies, which includes history, civics, geography, and economics. However, there are real pressures on schools and teachers to increase the amount of instruction in other subject areas, which often comes at the expense of their social studies time.
This curriculum was built to help teachers in K-6 schools regularly enact powerful and authentic social studies in their classrooms that will also meet essential literacy goals (linking every lesson to the Common Core State Standards). In other words, it leverages the richness of social studies content to help students learn to read, write, and think critically while exploring the past and present world around them. Moreover, it aims to make every single lesson culturally relevant, connecting to the racial, ethnic, gender, class, language, and immigration experience of the increasingly diverse United States. Originally, this curriculum was designed to help teachers in the Boston Public Schools regularly integrate social studies into their classrooms. It is now available to all teachers for free and open source with the hope of improving social studies learning for elementary students.
Visit the website here:
All curriculum materials are also available here on the Google Drive: