July 14, 2016
by John Steinberg

Sigríður Sigurðardóttir, director of the museum, with the President of Iceland.
The Byggðasafns Skagfirðinga (Skagafjordur Heritage Museum) has won an award for excellence. The news article in the Morgunblaðið, the paper of record in Iceland, is effusive. Below is a google translation of the article. It is not great, but you will get the idea.
Innlent | mbl | 13.7.2016 | 17:35
Fyrsta verkið var að koma upp geymslu
These awards include first and foremost a recognition of our work and strengthen us to action – we think it will keep on,” says Sigridur Sigurdardottir, Director, Regional Folk Museum, which today won the Icelandic safnaverðlaunin when they were delivered in 10 time solemn ceremony at. Prize money of one million.
According Sigridur operations Regional Folk Museum transformation in the almost thirty years that have passed since she was appointed Museum Director. “My first work as a director was coming up storage for the museum. The museums are mainly to do is to collect relics, objects and sources of human life and land use. When I took the museum at the time consisted of performances held only in the old turf farm in Glaumbær originally opened to the public in 1952. It was not possible to accept more will where no storage facilities existed nor facilities for staff, “says Sigrid and points out that venues has increased and employees.
Made by a number of guests who exhibits the world each year, says Sigrid it varies by location. “Annually submit three to four thousand visitors their way Minjahúsið Sauðárkrókur. Þorfinnsson were over 40 thousand visitors last year, well over 95% of guests are foreign tourists, “says Sigrid and points out that the visitor experience is a strong turf farm. “With his visit perceive visitors firsthand how people lived on the farm at the time. The town is extremely remarkable, but he is the richest turf farm country and probably the richest turf farm world, “says Sigrid.
Extends far beyond the actual location of the museum
The Adjudication Committee stated that the activities of the museum is ambitious and comprehensive, which is cultivated in every aspect of museum work in a professional manner. “The museum possesses rich collections accumulated since its establishment in 1952 and staff use validated methods of collection, cataloging, research and dissemination that meet the demands of the contemporary museum. Furthermore, the museum cultivate partnerships of various types, both locally and internationally. That collaboration Command in the category of leading gather in Iceland today, “the justification.
Also states that the museum stands for sophisticated research work that weaves in a successful manner with other aspects of museum work, ie collection, preservation and dissemination. “Especially to mention extensive archaeological research that not only promote the acquisition and dissemination of knowledge in Skagafjörður cultural heritage, but the cultural and historical value nationally and internationally. The integration of research and teaching and dissemination expand further the functions of the museum, which appears among others activities Traditional Crafts School and more accessible version of research results on the portfolio. ”
Then also states that the activities of the local museum will reach far beyond the actual location. Performances are beyond the region than the main base for Glaumbær, such as Fair Sauðárkrókur Municipal Museum and the main show in emigration Emigration Center, which also is an example of a cooperative under the professional guidance of the local museum.
The cooperation of the museum with schools, institutions and tourism show how the collection can contribute to increased knowledge of cultural heritage and thus enhance professionalism in his brokerage.
“The museum has a team of qualified personnel on guard with enthusiasm and ambition has been able to ship it on a par with the leading of its kind in the country.”