Skagafjörður Church and Settlement Survey


Af hverju Hegranes? Fyrirlestur um Skagfirsku kirkju- og byggðasögurannsóknina í félagsheimilinu, Hegranesi fimmtudaginn 3. mars kl. 20:00



Skagfirska kirkju- og byggðasögurannsóknin og Byggðasafn Skagfirðinga bjóða íbúum Hegraness og öðrum áhugasömum á fyrirlestur og umræðufund um fornleifarannsóknirnar sem nú fara fram í Nesinu. Sigríður Sigurðardóttir, safnstjóri, John Steinberg og Guðný Zoëga, fornleifafræðingar munu segja frá aðdraganda rannsóknanna og fyrstu niðurstöður verða kynntar. Fyrirlesturinn verður í félagsheimilinu í Hegranesi fimmtudaginn 3. mars kl 20.00.


Public Presentation on Preliminary Results from the 2015 Archaeological Research – Hegranes Community Center Thursday 3 March at 8:00 PM

Guðný Zoëga, Sigríður Sigurðardóttir, & John Steinberg will give a public presentation on the preliminary results from the the Skagafjörður Church and Settlement Survey (SCASS) archaeological work on Hegranes.  The presentation: “Why Hegranes”  is sponsored by the Skagafjörður Heritage Museum. The results from the archaeological survey and excavations will be discussed and put into context with other work from around Skagafjörður and Iceland.  The lecture will be in the Hegranes community center Thursday  March 3rd at 8:00 PM


Author: John Steinberg

Dr. John Steinberg has been a Research Scientist at the Fiske Center since 2006. He received his PhD in Anthropology from UCLA in 1997. Before coming to UMass Boston, John taught at UCLA and California State University Northridge. He is interested in the economic problems of colonization, both in New England and across the North Atlantic. He uses GIS and shallow geophysics to study settlement patterns to understand broad trends over the landscape. In addition to John's New England work, he has been studying the settlement patterns of Viking Age Iceland. John is the director of the Digital Archaeology Laboratory at the Fiske Center.

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