The coring team has been hard at work for the past few days! We finished taking soil cores all over Pafastaðir, and today we began work on a farm mound at Kjartansstaðir. We’ve been tiptoeing through the þufurs and wrestling with extreme dandelions. On Monday we took a hike through field, bog, and stream to take a look at the tephra sequence on the abandoned farm at Melkot.
After a week I’m really starting to get hang of intepreting soil cores!
Fording a stream at Melkot
Beautiful tephra sequence at Melkot
John really gets into tephra.
Kathryn Catlin is an alumna of UMass Boston's Historical Archaeology MA program and a current PhD student in Anthropology at Northwestern University. Kathryn's research interests include the social and economic dimensions of settlement and colonization in Iceland, medieval England, and the colonial US. She is interested in developing survey techniques, including geophysical survey as well as more traditional archaeological methods, to describe relationships between the development of social inequality and the causes and consequences of environmental change. She has participated in numerous Fiske Center projects, including seasons in Iceland, Greenland, the Caribbean, and across New England.