And from this picture you can see how patients with hydropcephaly look like. Please beware that this may be disturbing for some of you.
by hiumeichow001
by hiumeichow001
And from this picture you can see how patients with hydropcephaly look like. Please beware that this may be disturbing for some of you.
by hiumeichow001
One of your classmates has shared with us an article by Noam Chomsky in response to B.F. Skinner’s ‘Verbal Behavior’ – may be a nice reading if you want a break from revising your book and notes.
Here’s the link.
by hiumeichow001
Hi Students,
Thanks for your input to the previous post by some of you.
Just a reminder: this Wednesday we are going to have our first quiz which covers what we have talked about so far (especially brain anatomy and functions). Please remember to bring pencil and eraser and be there in the classroom on time.
If you have questions about the course materials about class 2 and 3, please feel free to email us or post it here. Other students are more than welcome to join the discussion.
Have fun preparing for the first quiz.
by hiumeichow001
By Annie Murphy Paul on Times Ideas.
See the original article:
by hiumeichow001
Hi Psych350 students,
Here’s the blog for our learning and memory class, for posting rules please see this.
Your UMB email account should also have received a link to join a shared dropbox folder to get access to the slides of this course.
If you have questions about the first class like course requirement, feel free to email Professor Ciaramitaro, or post your questions here. (Remember to input your UMB ID as name to keep it anonymous).
Also check out our first Current Events post on “Highlighting“.
by hiumeichow001
Hi Students,
Welcome aboard!
As you will hear from Professor Ciaramitaro in her first lecture, this blog is for students of 2013 Fall Psych350 (Learning & Memory) to ask questions, post their insightful reflections by applying what they learn in understanding world events, and help each other to learn better. Here are more details about how this blog is going to operate.
What will be posted here?
– Class announcements
– Current events
Who can post / comment?
Anyone who wants to post/comment can do so, as long as you observe the rules of posting and respect what other people write in this blog.
How to post?
If you have a relevant piece of news / articles (that you think your fellow classmates would be interested in knowing about), please submit this to the blog manager (i.e. me, hiumei.chow001 at Professor Ciaramitaro and I will read and publish it to the blog when it is appropriate.
How to comment?
To comment you will need your UMB student ID number (input as name when you comment), and your UMB email (which will not be shown). The reason why we use student ID number is that we’d like to keep this anonymous so everyone feels free to express himself/herself. But it is critical that you input the information correctly so that I will be able to count this as points to your final grade.
What will not be counted towards your point?
– Copying and pasting others’ comments
– Non-insightful contribution (e.g. merely ‘good’ or ‘interesting’)
– Assaultive comments to other students
Who to ask if you have questions about the blog?
Please feel free to let me (Doris, hiumei.chow001 at or Professor Ciaramitaro (Vivian.Ciaramitaro at know about your questions.
We will have much fun understanding memory & learning this term!