Place-Based Education

Engaging students in their own communities through local history, local culture and the local environment. An initiative of the Massachusetts Studies Project at UMass Boston.

New England Cultural Database


The New England Cultural Database (NECD):

  • Is an online data warehouse containing financial, demographic, geographic, and other related information about businesses, cultural organizations and individual artists in New England
  • Provides the New England state arts agencies, researchers, cultural organizations, funders, artists, policy makers, and general public with a wealth of research information to support analysis, advocacy, and policy development
  • Is geographically coded to allow searches by location and support a variety of analyses based on geographic area
  • Has a system of tiered admittance providing varying levels of access to the information contained in the database
  • Will add for-profit creative industry businesses to the present listings of nonprofit cultural organizations and individual artists to encompass the entire Creative Economy of New England
  • Currently houses over 19,000 records.

Link: New England Cultural Database.

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