Intersecting Processes

complexity & change in environment, biomedicine & society

January 16, 2011
by peter.taylor

Learning community and reading strategies for epidemiological literacy

Ideas: Developing epidemiological literacy requires: 1) collaboration with others (of differing skills and interests) and reflection on personal and professional development. 2) establishing our own practices of learning from material we don’t fully grasp at first reading/hearing. These two ideas … Continue reading

January 12, 2011
by peter.taylor

Tens of thousands of deaths from pellagra occurred because eugenic science prevented the real cause from being acted on?

In 1977 independent scholar Allan Chase (1914-93) published The Legacy of Malthus: The Social Costs of the New Scientific Racism, a lengthy, critical historical account of scientific–Chase would say “pseudoscientific”–rationales to support the division of humanity into two “races”–a small, … Continue reading

January 4, 2011
by peter.taylor

Patterns among relatives: A classroom activity III

The simple classroom activity presented in the previous two posts allows us to unpack the simple picture of science as empirical observation and rational interpretation (i.e., identifying patterns and trying to explain them). These are only two of the many … Continue reading

January 3, 2011
by peter.taylor

Patterns among relatives: A classroom activity II

OK readers.  Keep in mind your answers to the questions raised in the previous post about patterns in data that link parents and offspring.  In this post I describe what usually emerges when I ask these questions in my classes … Continue reading

January 2, 2011
by peter.taylor

Patterns among relatives: A classroom activity to unpack the simple picture of science as empirical observation and rational interpretation

I want to ask you, the reader, to be a scientist and try to make sense of data that link parents and offspring.  Consider one plot (of your own choosing) from figures 1-4 depicting heights of 63 undergraduate college students … Continue reading

December 6, 2010
by peter.taylor

Teaching dialogue process on the spot: A shared meaning that emerges from a group through listening, inquiry and reflection

Participants can learn about the dialogue process on the spot, with no prior preparation or introductory lecture, by following this script (which borrows from a script by Allyn Bradford (2001); see also Isaacs, W. 1999. Dialogue. NY: Currency, and a … Continue reading

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