Intersecting Processes

complexity & change in environment, biomedicine & society

December 23, 2010
by peter.taylor

Reconstructing Rawls IX: Toward a political theory of injustice

Toward a political theory of injustice (completing a series of posts) In listing of the burdens of building a theory of justice upon a basis of moral justification I have foreshadowed alternative approaches to questions of justice and injustice.  This … Continue reading

December 22, 2010
by peter.taylor

Reconstructing Rawls VIII: The burdens of moral justification

The burdens of moral justification My reconstruction+ of Rawls’ TJ has led us to a place where questions can be raised that challenge moral theory more generally.  The inferred justification for foundationalist rhetoric given before the interlude, namely, the power … Continue reading

December 21, 2010
by peter.taylor

Reconstructing Rawls VII: Constructivism+ in relation to other Critiques within Moral Philosophy

Interlude: Constructivism+ in relation to other Critiques within Moral Philosophy (continuing a series of posts) The constructivist+ interpretation I have been developing is broadly sympathetic with feminist formulations of moral theory (Card 1991, Kittay and Meyers 1987), with post-modern, anti-foundationalist … Continue reading

December 17, 2010
by peter.taylor

Reconstructing Rawls III: From constructivism to constructivism+

From constructivism to constructivism+ (continuing a series of posts) A convenient route for me to begin to develop a constructivist+ perspective and its implications is opened up by the distinction between natural and constructivist theories of justice (see Dworkin [1973], … Continue reading

December 16, 2010
by peter.taylor

Reconstructing Rawls II: personal positioning for the critique

Continuing from my first post using a “constructivism+” framework to reconstruct Rawls’s Theory of Justice: Constructivism+, to be consistent, must be applicable to its proponents’ own arguments.  Let me help readers begin to develop an interpretation of the social location … Continue reading

December 15, 2010
by peter.taylor

Reconstructing Rawls and exposing the implicit social embeddedness of theories of justice

Moral philosophy has traditionally positioned itself at some distance from the problem of counteracting actually experienced injustice.  (At least so it seemed to me in the mid-1990s when I wrote the unpublished essay from which these posts is drawn).  “Compliance” … Continue reading

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