Intersecting Processes

complexity & change in environment, biomedicine & society

February 17, 2011
by peter.taylor

"Race: A Social Construct or a Scientific Reality?"

Discussion on WUMB Commonwealth Journal  based on new exhibit at the Boston Museum of Science exhibit, Race: Are we so different? Broadcast on Sunday February 13, 2011.  Speakers: Peter Taylor, Nina Nolan, Chair, RACE Education Team, Boston Museum of Science, … Continue reading

December 1, 2010
by peter.taylor

Gender and race in relation to social structuredness and interpretation of science

This post begins by categorizing into three levels the gender dimensions of social structuredness in relation to science and technology.  (Equivalent levels can be articulated for differences that refer to race, ethnicity, or Euopean descent vs. other othernesses.) 1)  Under-representation … Continue reading

October 15, 2010
by peter.taylor

Rehabilitating a biological notion of race? II

Sesardic (2010) makes the point that the fact that genetic variation within a group is of larger than variation between (the average of) the groups does not mean that the groups cannot be distinguished. This point is not, however, sufficient … Continue reading

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