Intersecting Processes

complexity & change in environment, biomedicine & society

September 9, 2010
by peter.taylor

Social infrastructure (or its absence) makes genetic conditions hardwired

Human quadrupeds: Social infrastructure (or its absence) makes genetic conditions hardwired ‘Family That Walks on All Fours’ is a popular science documentary on the United States Public Broadcasting Network (2006).  Five offspring of a couple in a remote area of … Continue reading

September 7, 2010
by peter.taylor

The relationship between interpretation in/of science and change

‘Gessen’s genetic counselors recommended an oophorectomy.  But Gessen balked… Our culture doesn’t yet have the infrastructure to handle the consequences of the recent revolution in genetic testing.  But we’ll need it…’ Review of Gessen (2008), Blood Matters, in International Herald … Continue reading

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