Intersecting Processes

complexity & change in environment, biomedicine & society

September 14, 2010
by peter.taylor

Underlying heterogeneity and heritability III-On why translation to hypotheses about measurable factors is difficult

The possibility of underlying heterogeneity makes heritability studies even less informative than, as prominent geneticists have noted (e.g., Rutter 2002, 4), the method of data analysis not suggesting where to look for the underlying genetic factors that contribute to heritability.  … Continue reading

September 12, 2010
by peter.taylor

Underlying heterogeneity and heritability II: What can researchers do on the basis of knowing a trait’s heritability if the genetic and environmental factors underlying the observed trait are heterogeneous?

What can researchers do on the basis of knowing a trait’s heritability if the genetic and environmental factors underlying the observed trait are heterogeneous, or if the method of data analysis does not allow researchers to rule out the possibility … Continue reading

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