Intersecting Processes

complexity & change in environment, biomedicine & society

December 3, 2010
by peter.taylor

Theorizing about Ecological Complexity, through the mid 1980s

?A broad distinction can be made between community ecology, which emphasizes population sizes and inter-species interactions, and systems ecology, which emphasizes nutrient and energy flows between compartments (Hagen 1989).  Nevertheless, community ecological theory also involves systems in the sense of … Continue reading

November 26, 2010
by peter.taylor

Theory about social structure in the context of environmental studies

Traditional, big “S” Social theory seeks to account for the structure and dynamics of Society as a whole (Münch 1987; see also edited collections Bottomore and Nisbet 1978; Giddens and Turner 1987).  Although such theory is a possible source of … Continue reading

November 20, 2010
by peter.taylor

Mapping: Can scientists become interpreters of science and bring the interpretations to bear on their science?

According to the perspective of heterogeneous construction, scientists mobilize a diversity of resources and, in so doing, engage with a range of social agents.  Similarly, when interpreters of science delimit the relevant resources and agents, they also mobilize resources and … Continue reading

September 4, 2010
by peter.taylor

A constructionist perspective on the structure of ecological complexity

Jordi Bascompte’s “Stucture and dynamics of ecological networks” (Science, 13 August 2010) cites Robert May’s theoretical work in the 1970s as showing that, because “the more complex a randomly built food web, the less stable it is… real networks must … Continue reading

September 2, 2010
by peter.taylor

Why emphasize collaboration in environmental research?

Since the 1990s collaboration has become a dominant concern in environmental planning and management (Margerum 2008), but the need to organize collaborative environmental research can be traced back at least as far as the tropical rainforest ecosystem projects led by … Continue reading

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