Intersecting Processes

complexity & change in environment, biomedicine & society

November 20, 2010
by peter.taylor

Mapping: Can scientists become interpreters of science and bring the interpretations to bear on their science?

According to the perspective of heterogeneous construction, scientists mobilize a diversity of resources and, in so doing, engage with a range of social agents.  Similarly, when interpreters of science delimit the relevant resources and agents, they also mobilize resources and … Continue reading

September 12, 2010
by peter.taylor

Underlying heterogeneity and heritability II: What can researchers do on the basis of knowing a trait’s heritability if the genetic and environmental factors underlying the observed trait are heterogeneous?

What can researchers do on the basis of knowing a trait’s heritability if the genetic and environmental factors underlying the observed trait are heterogeneous, or if the method of data analysis does not allow researchers to rule out the possibility … Continue reading

September 6, 2010
by peter.taylor

Control and the foundational theories of modern life sciences

The original theories of evolution by natural selection and the genetic basis of heredity were built from language, arguments, evidence, and practices of controlled breeding in agriculture and the laboratory.  What does it mean that understandings of the diversity of … Continue reading

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