Intersecting Processes

complexity & change in environment, biomedicine & society

January 2, 2011
by peter.taylor

Patterns among relatives: A classroom activity to unpack the simple picture of science as empirical observation and rational interpretation

I want to ask you, the reader, to be a scientist and try to make sense of data that link parents and offspring.  Consider one plot (of your own choosing) from figures 1-4 depicting heights of 63 undergraduate college students … Continue reading

December 23, 2010
by peter.taylor

Reconstructing Rawls IX: Toward a political theory of injustice

Toward a political theory of injustice (completing a series of posts) In listing of the burdens of building a theory of justice upon a basis of moral justification I have foreshadowed alternative approaches to questions of justice and injustice.  This … Continue reading

December 22, 2010
by peter.taylor

Reconstructing Rawls VIII: The burdens of moral justification

The burdens of moral justification My reconstruction+ of Rawls’ TJ has led us to a place where questions can be raised that challenge moral theory more generally.  The inferred justification for foundationalist rhetoric given before the interlude, namely, the power … Continue reading

December 21, 2010
by peter.taylor

Reconstructing Rawls VII: Constructivism+ in relation to other Critiques within Moral Philosophy

Interlude: Constructivism+ in relation to other Critiques within Moral Philosophy (continuing a series of posts) The constructivist+ interpretation I have been developing is broadly sympathetic with feminist formulations of moral theory (Card 1991, Kittay and Meyers 1987), with post-modern, anti-foundationalist … Continue reading

December 17, 2010
by peter.taylor

Reconstructing Rawls III: From constructivism to constructivism+

From constructivism to constructivism+ (continuing a series of posts) A convenient route for me to begin to develop a constructivist+ perspective and its implications is opened up by the distinction between natural and constructivist theories of justice (see Dworkin [1973], … Continue reading

December 16, 2010
by peter.taylor

Reconstructing Rawls II: personal positioning for the critique

Continuing from my first post using a “constructivism+” framework to reconstruct Rawls’s Theory of Justice: Constructivism+, to be consistent, must be applicable to its proponents’ own arguments.  Let me help readers begin to develop an interpretation of the social location … Continue reading

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