Intersecting Processes

complexity & change in environment, biomedicine & society

December 27, 2010
by peter.taylor

Making connections and respecting differences: Reconciling schemas for learning and group process

In the fall of 1996 in Columbus, Ohio I attended the meetings of the International Society for Exploring Teaching Alternatives (ISETA) for the first time. I was encouraged to connect with this group after “experiencing” a presentation by the current … Continue reading

December 26, 2010
by peter.taylor

One-on-one consultations within a group that meets over an extended period

One-on-one consultations within a group that meets over an extended period (aka Workshop “Office Hours”)—an alternative to the ad hoc, and clique-prone discussions that often happen between the sessions at conferences and workshops This activity can be slotted into a … Continue reading

December 14, 2010
by peter.taylor

How organizations and institutions respond to innovative information when making natural resource and environmental decisions—some contributions of Denise Lach

Through her basic and applied research, sociologist Denise Lach illuminates a wide range of environment and resource issues (including water, forest, fish, and bioremediation), from an unusually rich combination of angles, with dissemination to a range of outlets and audiences … Continue reading

December 6, 2010
by peter.taylor

Teaching dialogue process on the spot: A shared meaning that emerges from a group through listening, inquiry and reflection

Participants can learn about the dialogue process on the spot, with no prior preparation or introductory lecture, by following this script (which borrows from a script by Allyn Bradford (2001); see also Isaacs, W. 1999. Dialogue. NY: Currency, and a … Continue reading

November 30, 2010
by peter.taylor

The critique of science during the 1970s

During the 1960s Bookchin (1962), Carson (1962), and Commoner (1963; 1971) linked ecology-as-social-action to criticisms of the dominant directions of scientific research.  Social responsibility in science was promoted by the British Society for Social Responsibility in Science, the Union of … Continue reading

November 29, 2010
by peter.taylor

Calhoun's Action research versus a cycles-and-epicycles framework

Since 1999 I have used Emily Calhoun’s 1994 book Action Research in the Self-Renewing School in a graduate course that has evolved and changed its name from Educational Evaluation to Evaluation of Educational Change to Action Research for Educational, Professional, … Continue reading

November 25, 2010
by peter.taylor

From Social Theory to enactable, contingent social theorizing

In the late 1980s Roberto Mangabeira Unger laid out a “constructive social theory,” which centered on “institutional and imaginative frameworks of social life [that] supply the basis on which people define and reconcile interests, identify, and solve problems.” He went … Continue reading

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