Intersecting Processes

complexity & change in environment, biomedicine & society

November 26, 2010
by peter.taylor

Theory about social structure in the context of environmental studies

Traditional, big “S” Social theory seeks to account for the structure and dynamics of Society as a whole (Münch 1987; see also edited collections Bottomore and Nisbet 1978; Giddens and Turner 1987).  Although such theory is a possible source of … Continue reading

November 21, 2010
by peter.taylor

Mapping: Can scientists become interpreters of science and bring the interpretations to bear on their science? II

Although the goals of mapping workshops were not fully met in the initial experiments described in the previous post, lessons can be drawn for the more general project of helping researchers reflect on their situatedness and act self-consciously to change … Continue reading

November 20, 2010
by peter.taylor

Mapping: Can scientists become interpreters of science and bring the interpretations to bear on their science?

According to the perspective of heterogeneous construction, scientists mobilize a diversity of resources and, in so doing, engage with a range of social agents.  Similarly, when interpreters of science delimit the relevant resources and agents, they also mobilize resources and … Continue reading

November 16, 2010
by peter.taylor

Heterogeneous construction of scientific knowledge and practice: III. Six Themes Drawn from the Reconstruction of the Kerang Study

The description of the building of the KFM [in the previous posts], although brief and partial, is sufficient to introduce six themes or propositions about the processes of making science and interpretation of those processes.  These themes are put forward … Continue reading

November 15, 2010
by peter.taylor

Heterogeneous construction of scientific knowledge and practice: II. Diverse components in development of the simulation model

My analysis of the Kerang project begins with the modeling because that was the part that I, as a participant, observed most closely.  I refer to myself in the third person as “the modeler” to express some distance between my … Continue reading

November 14, 2010
by peter.taylor

Heterogeneous construction of scientific knowledge and practice: I. A case of simulating the future of a salt-affected agricultural region

The concept of heterogeneous construction applied to science highlights the ways that scientists mobilize a diversity of resources and, in so doing, engage with a range of social agents.  This idea is illustrated in the next three posts.  In this … Continue reading

November 10, 2010
by peter.taylor

What if I think that everything is already unruly complexity? II

What if everything is already unruly complexity? 1st Answer (after defining and illustrating the concept): There’s a qualitative difference in analysis of causes & implications This leads to Question 2: … implications for whom? Answer to Q2: Researcher in dialogue … Continue reading

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