(n800 online)
(Fall 2008)
1) Compare a non-tail recursive and a tail recursive in run time behavior context
2) Why Left recursive production cannot be in LL(1)?
3) How to prove two regular expressions generate the same language
4) LL(1) and SLR(1) grammar
5) Draw Stack created before and after enter the sub routine, (static and dynamic chains)
6) Why no shift-shift conflict in DFA
7) scoping , value passing and reference passing (write the value from a given complicated program)
8) Explain (or propose something intelligent) about compiler Optimization
a) value numbering
b) global data flow analysis
c) register allocation
(Fall 2008 Topics)
1) Structural Induction, Induction
2) Logically Valid of and in
3) , : context free closure
4) is not regular
and is context free
5) The function f(n) :the number of perfect square numbers that < n,
f(n) is Primitive Recursive
6) The set of {m |p+q, when and and P and Q are recursive enumerable sets } is a recursive enumerable set.
At 8.30pm
twitter and ….Red Bull, the great thai Krating Daeng taste
Bivariate Normal Probability Distribution
List of symbols
Bivariate normal probability distribution function
Mean of x
Standard deviation of x
Mean of y
Standard deviation of y
Correlation between x and y
From: sitmo
Graphs from a very good source here
A note about bivariate normal distribution here
Then, how about Multivariate Normal Distribution ?
Short presentation for SymbioticSphere (20 Minutes)
Full Paper here(pdf)