My Progress 1/9/05


  • Reading paper and revised version 1
  • Reading realated papers
  • – Autonomic Computing x 3 Papers
  • Study some part of Simulation
  • Submit comment for simulation document (Yan’s document)

Admin work

  • Got fist payment
  • Applied for TA (cs446: internetworking)

Nest Task (not done)

  • Simulation document comment on the file
  • Update PPT paper review
  • Revise main document (sci005 document)
  • + Add realate work
  • + Simulation Plan
  • Write Code


+ simulation code

I’ll add one more agent call platform so we will have regular agent and platform agent.

Then, I will write some code to let regular agent require platform agent to work on the host first.

The platform agent works as platform entity in my research. Therefore, we can simulate and get some result from this idea.

The problems, this is not totally true as we plan in the research. But it save the times and it is good step to be samiliar with the Java programming. The next step we can change the place of platform service code to be in the platform agent.

+ Document

I have to write related work and simulation as soon as possible. The first version should be finished before this Tuesday!